Public TV once showed the practice of harvesting residue from collected men’s urine and creating pills from it to be taken by older men and even young warriors to revive their drive. We can see that this probably gave them a shot of testosterone. Today, we saw this reference to hormone capture from both men’s and women’s urine:
The Ultimate Bio-identical Hormone Replacement.
From 1025 A.D. to 1833 A.D. in China, the court physicians recommended that the Emperor and Empress decree that two buildings with troughs, one for men and another for women. Young women and men from ages 18 to 25 were commanded to urinate in their respective troughs and when full, the urine was allowed to evaporate. The evaporated urine, collected by interns, was given to the Emperor and the Empress, their relatives and associates as comprehensive hormone replacement. Not only did the elders receive bio-identical sex hormones, but thyroid and metabolites. The older women, of course, were given the female urine and the older males, the male urine to feel better as they aged. According to Johnathan Wright, M.D. in his lecture “The Importance of Copying Nature with BHRT (bio-identical hormones),” you can find the literature pertaining to proto-endocrinology in books by Needham, J. Lu G-D, a British physician married to a Chinese woman.